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   The CreativeOutletPortland.org 



Wendy Welcomes You! (click on arrow)

Since 1972 the mission of The CreativeOutletPortland.org, a 501(c)(3) non-profit multimedia arts organization, has been "To develop, promote, support and empower individual artists, arts and arts-related organizations in accomplishing their missions."

But from the beginning, to the present, the primary focus of the organization has been community television production and video production training of community television producers.

While training a highly diverse group of community members, hundreds of hours of outstanding local television programming have been created by The CreativeOutletPortland.org, also known as The Video Access Project.

Most recently the organization has emphasized training in the use of digital video production focusing on digital nonlinear editing using Final Cut Pro HD.

The CreativeOutletPortland.org has successfully sponsored the popular Final Cut Pro User's Club which offers workshops to the creative community on editing for video production.

Members of The CreativeOutletPortland.org have produced or helped to produce news, public affairs, arts and cultural affairs community television programming.

See our Video and Audio page for a sampling of the many outstanding productions.